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effective distance中文是什么意思

用"effective distance"造句"effective distance"怎么读"effective distance" in a sentence


  • 有效距离
  • "effective"中文翻译    adj. 1.有效(力)的,灵验的;显眼的,〔美国〕生效 ...
  • "distance"中文翻译    n. 1.距离,路程。 2.远隔,远离;远处,远方。 3 ...
  • "effective air distance" 中文翻译 :    有效无风距离
  • "effective focal distance" 中文翻译 :    有效焦距
  • "effective observation distance" 中文翻译 :    有效观察距离
  • "effective shooting distance" 中文翻译 :    有效射程
  • "effective shooting distance range" 中文翻译 :    有效摄距范围
  • "be effective" 中文翻译 :    生效的
  • "be effective in" 中文翻译 :    对有效; 在……有效
  • "be effective on" 中文翻译 :    对...有效应, 对...起作用
  • "effective" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.有效(力)的,灵验的;显眼的,〔美国〕生效的,被实施的;【军事】有战斗力的。 2.【经济学】实质上的;有实价的 (opp. potential, nominal)。 3.【军事】精锐的。 effective horsepower 【物理学】有效马力。 effective range 有效射程。 an effective shot 命中(弹)。 an effective landing area 【航空】安全降落区。 the effective wind 平均风速。 effective segregation 【生物学】正分离。 effective coin [money] 硬币。 the effective strength of an army 军队的战斗实力[有生力量]。 be far from effective 很不得力。 become effective 〔美国〕(法令等)生效。 take effective measures 采取有效措施。 n. 【军事】 〔pl.〕 现役兵额,有生力量;精兵。 adv. -ly 1.有效地,有力地。 2.实际上。 n. -ness 有效;有力。
  • "not effective" 中文翻译 :    无效的
  • "at a distance" 中文翻译 :    隔一段距离; 有相当距离; 在远处; 在远方
  • "distance" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.距离,路程。 2.远隔,远离;远处,远方。 3.(时间的)间隔,长远,长久。 4.悬殊。 5.隔阂,疏远。 6.【音】(二音间的)音程;【绘画】远景;【拳击】规定的比赛时间。 The distance between the two houses was exactly one mile. 两座房屋正好相隔一英里。 What's the distance from here to the station 从这里到车站有多远? It's quite a distance from here. 离这里远得很。 A vast distance of water surrounded the ship. 船的四周都是辽阔的水面。 Every sound carries a great distance. 每一种声音都传到远处。 the distance between birth and death 从生到死的这段时间。 a distance of a century 一世纪的间隔,经过一世纪。 Our philosophies are a long distance apart. 我们的哲学观点相去悬殊。 stare into the distance 向远方凝视。 the extreme [middle] distance (绘画的)远[中]景。 treat sb. with a little distance 有点冷淡地对待某人。 a good distance off 很远,远隔着。 at a distance 隔开一段距离,留有间隔,不挨近 (look to advantage at a distance 远看为好)。 at a respectful distance 敬而远之。 at this distance of time 经过这样长一段时间 (It's impossible to judge at this distance of time. 经过这样长一段时间以后,再想作出判断是不可能的了)。 be a great distance away 离得很远。 be out of (striking) distance (from...) 太远,难(打)到。 be within striking [hailing, hearing] distance (在)能打到[听到](的地方)。 from a distance 从远方 (It's a very beautiful house, especially from a distance. 这是一所漂亮的房子,从远处看尤其如此)。 go [last] the distance 做完,坚持干到最后一次。 in the distance 在远处,在很远的那边。 Keep at a distance ! 别靠近! Keep distance 留间隔。 Keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持相当距离,敬而远之,疏远。 keep one's distance 避开,不接近 (Keep your distance from him. 你不要接近他)。 know one's distance 知分寸,守本分。 to a distance 到远方 (spread to a distance 伸展到远方)。 within ... distance 在…距离内 (within jumping distance 在跳得到的地方)。 vt. 1.隔开,把…放在一定距离之外;使显得遥远。 2.超过,赶过,胜过;(比赛中)把…甩在后面。 distance one's competitors (竞赛中)把对手远远地甩在后面。 I feel I'm distanced by him in every respect. 我感到自己在各方面都赶不上他了。
  • "in the distance" 中文翻译 :    在远处,远方的; 在远方
  • "to a distance" 中文翻译 :    远方, 向远方
  • "effective valid effective" 中文翻译 :    表示能产生实际的效果; 可指没有明确原因的后果或效果
  • "distance learning; distance instruction" 中文翻译 :    远距教学
  • "31) effective" 中文翻译 :    有效的
  • "address effective" 中文翻译 :    有效地址
  • "band, effective" 中文翻译 :    有效频带
  • "be legally effective" 中文翻译 :    发生法律效力
  • "be still effective" 中文翻译 :    仍有效力
  • "be very effective" 中文翻译 :    效果显著
  • "become effective" 中文翻译 :    开始生效


  • Similarly for a weapon of lower energy, the effective distance is less, but so also is the rate of ascent of the cloud .
  • The effective distance ( 8 ~ 20m diameter ) might be affected by the base station or other tinterruptions
  • To improve its classification performance , the main methods were selecting the more effective distance measure
  • The advantage of this method is prominent when limiting the effective distance of earthquakes with various magnitudes in the catalog completeness analysis
    通过对发生在1996 2000年间的9个震例的对比分析, webeees对77
  • The model change of modern logistic enterprise required that the traditional logistic enterprises should gradually form bigger operating scale and effective distance coverage on the hardware and construct the software with administrative level of strong ability of conduct and control , as well as logistic management information system with high mutiple - technology . furthermore , the service concept should form the operating ideology step by step , which could achieve customers satisfaction , as the foremost objective
  • With the minimumization of wireless camero , colourful video head weights no more than 100 grams costing roughly rmb 1000 however having a effective distance of 1500 meters , therefore photos taking , model s battle or using on submarine , taking photo in deep water or making robot can also be carried out by your own devices
  • On the other hand , the influence of the solid wall on the saturation thermodynamic parameter of argon under microscale condition was studied . a potential function was introduced and the problem of collision between molecules of argon and molecules in solid wall were dealed with . it is concluded that : when the scale of fluid argon is only one or two om larger than the effective distance between the solid wall and the molecules of argon , the scale of fluid argon and the molecules of solid wall have remarkable effect on the thermodynamic saturated properties of argon
    同时,本文还研究了在微尺度下固壁面对氩的饱和热力学性质的影响,本文应用了一种氩分子与固壁面分子相互作用的势函数,并研究了氩分子和固壁面分子相互碰撞的问题,研究表明:当氩流体的空间尺度只比固壁面对流体分子的有效作用距离大1 ~ 2个数量级时,尺度效应和固壁面分子的作用会影响氩的饱和热力学性质。
  • Sufficient or not of the battery on the device should be carefully examined before every flying , so do the every pole , helm and gemel , whether or not is the receiving antenna drew out of the body and in straight , examine the ground effective distance for remote control without the drawing out the antenna , ensure it nomal in rang of 30 - 50 meters
    1 .仔细检查测试设备每次飞行前都应该仔细检查设备电量是否充足,检查飞机各个拉杆舵角铰链是否正常,接收机天线是否拉出机身并拉直,在不拉出发射机天线的情况下测试地面有效遥控距离,确定30 - 50米内不发生跳舵情况。
  • The characteristics of the secondary magnetic field induced by the strongly magnetic chain in low intensity field are described and the value of the secondary magnetic field is calculated . the order of magnitude of the magnetic field on the end surface of the magnetic chain made of magnetic minerals in real separation and the effective distance of the secondary magnetic field are estimated
  • The paper demonstrates the whole plan of the propagation model application software . with the delphi software , an application software including the function of the realtime calculating path loss value is compiled completely . the paper analyses the planning theory of the td - scdma network . its main aspects include the backbone of the network , the link budget report , the budget of the effective distance , the analyse of the link interference and the analyse of the system capacity
    论证了td - scdma传播模型应用软件整体方案,利用delphi软件编写了具有校正功能和实时计算传播衰耗值功能(与gps系统配合)的应用软件。论文从理论的角度分析了td - scdma网络的规划理论,主要从网络拓扑结构、上下行链路功率平衡预算报告、有效通信距离的估算、上下形链路干扰的分析和系统最大容量分析五个方面进行了论述。
用"effective distance"造句  


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